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What Are the Foundation Requirements for the Construction of Light Steel Villas?


     Nowadays, most people want to build their own house. Light Steel Villas
     is one of the best choices that can meet their requirements , but people
     might question on building foundation’s stability. In this article we explain
     you about the foundation requirement for Light Steel Villas constructions.

       The foundation of the house refers to the soil that bears the load of the
       upper structure It is not a part of the building, but it has a great impact
       on the robustness of the building.The big difference between steel
       structure buildings and traditional buildings is reflected in the
       foundation. The advantages of light steel villas over traditional
       building foundations are that they are time - consuming, low in 
       cost, and do not need to invest too much manpower material 
       and financial resources. However, light steel villas also have 
       high requirements on the foundation . 

       The first requirement is strength. The strength of the foundation soil must be high and
       it must have sufficient bearing capacity to ensure the stability of the superstructure. 
       Light Steel Villa foundations are much less demanding than traditional building 
       foundations because they weigh less than traditional building materials and 
       exert less pressure on the ground.

      Secondly, the requirement for the amount of ground subsidence. The foundation
      belongs to the ground part, not to the building part. Therefore, the amount of
      ground subsidence is allowed. However, it is necessary to ensure that within
      a certain safety range, if the amount of ground subsidence is toolarge, it is
      easy to cause the instability of the building and produce the hidden danger
      of safety.

      Third, the requirement for the drop of foundation settlement. The foundation
      of a large building covers a large area. However, due to geological reasons,
      the amount of settlement that may be produced may vary from place to place, 
      so there is a drop of settlement between places, so the fall of the settlement
      also requires a safe range, if the fall is large, the building structure will be 


      After reading these contents, should you consider where you choose to build a villa
      and carefully examine whether it meets the above three requirements? For the sake
      of safety and for the light steel villas we built to live more comfortably and at ease,
      you must remember to find a professional light steel villa manufacturer to help you 
      carefully check whether the foundation is reasonable. In BRD, we are professional
      construction and taking all safety factors into consideration for the sake of customers.
      BRD Light Steel Villa manufacturer hotline: +60 11 2281 7777. Click here to view
      more products.

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